
The most innovative survey analysis tool!

SurveyVisualizer is an application to access, analyze, and communicate the results from large and complex surveys (customer satisfaction, brand image, etc.) All the results, at the different aggregation and grouping levels can be seen, examined and compared concurrently. This leads to an unparalleled ease-of-use. Answers to specific questions can be found quickly and are embedded in the overall context of the study. Time-to-insight is shortened, the discovery of new facts and trends is encouraged, and the findings can be communicated dynamically to the various stake holders.
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January 1, 2025

We wish you a meandering 2025!

December 20, 2024

SurveyVisualizer 2019.9.8 released. You can download it from the download section. A full web-based interface is provided through the new SurveyVisualizer Server.


“Macrofocus' SurveyVisualizer is the most innovative survey analysis tool I've seen”
Zach Gemignani, Juice Analytics